I have a blog?!

I've actually tried this once before. After a short while, I deleted the blog and after a while joined Facebook to keep up with family and friends...and let them know the happenings at "The Zoo" (our home's nickname) complete with pictures.

Well, my Facebook has been neglected. (I think I've cured any addiction to the games that I may have been developing.)

I still take pictures almost daily of...well, lots of stuff. (Because with a digital camera, we can now take pictures of more and more random stuff in our lives without a second mortgage to see the picture!)

So, here I am starting this blog of The Life and Times of Me and Mine!

I may have to change some names to protect the innocent or guilty...or just prevent my kids from neglecting me when I'm old from the embarrassment I cause now.

So, here goes...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Seriously Whimsical...an explanation (of sorts)

Seriously Whimsical...Seriously...Whimsical...

This is definitely my favorite oxymoron. It's even fun to say!

In lots of ways, it sums up how I try to go about things. I'm not particularly funny, or carefree kinda girl. But, I'm working on loosing up, not worrying so much about EVERYthing and enjoying the moments with my wonderful family and busy, crazy life. I enjoy people and things around me that have a fun side.

I decided I don't want to laugh about life "one day"...you know the saying "one day, we'll look back and laugh"? When stuff like my son's gum getting all over the puppy (picture #2) and the son jumping in the tub w/the gum and peanut butter covered, soapy dog (picture #1) OR my kids just act like KIDS instead of little adults happen (picture #3...an attempt at a Christmas card picture) , I can either cry or take it in stride and laugh as soon as we can...and take pictures of it!

So, there is as much whimsy as I can find in life and then the other stuff...

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