It looked like Spring....It FELT like Spring...I'm glad for the rain, but I'm cold now! This Mississippi girl, transplanted South Carolina girl doesn't like the cold.
Here's a look at some pictures of my flowers...that thought it
was Spring too!
Well, I didn't plant the dandelion. It's just a gift from nature. I remember I thought it was fun to blow these when I was a kid and then, I enjoyed showing my kids how to blow them and them seeing it scatter in the wind when they were toddlers. It's definitely a sign of Spring and Summer coming that they are beginning to pop up in the yard for the kids to blow and scatter their seeds...and Steve will probably have to fight with them coming up in un-wanted parts of the landscape.
SURVIVORS!! I don't know how these little plan
ts have survived the past few years in the sad little planters on my front porch. But, they have and have bloomed again. I actually took this picture while I was playing with some new filters and wanted to get a picture of them, like everything else, covered in yellow
pollen...another sign of SPRING!
NOT a flower...but a sign of the warm weather
that was here a few days ago.
Corey's cute little skinny foot. I love those feet. I h
ad actually tried to take a picture of his feet and he ran off not letting me. Then, when I was taking a picture of some wild flowers in the yard, he stuck his foot in my picture. TYPICAL! The end result was I GOT A PICTURE OF HIS FOOT THAT DAY! Works for me!
Cute, but hard on barefeet...
I didn't plant these, but they come up along one side of the driveway each year.
At least once a week during the summer, someone will forget they are there and end up with stickers in their foot. OUCH! Oh, and that is Corey's foot about to invade my next picture...he stepped beside the patch of the "yellow prickly
Carolina Jasmine...I did plant this.
It's in full bloom on the arbor over the gate into the backyard. I can see it when I look out my kitchen window above the sink. It's such a pretty flower and one of the first to bloom each Spring in my yard.
The Iris is beginning to bloom.
The ones in our yard are mostly white, but we hope to have few
new colors come up this year. We'll see.
The hyacinths are new this year. Hopefully, they will attract some butterflies when the summer weather gets here.